April 29, 2021


There are things we want 

things we need 

Things we do 

Things we said

Things we think, dream ,write or paint.

Maybe you play your things such as music. 

Only we don’t achieve. 

We I should say I .

Success I believed came with a partner. 

Someone to share it with. 

So I stall .

I waited. 

I encouraged others .

I even dared to ask a few, that lead me to ?

To raise my children I believed it needed to be with a partner too.

Only to realize that simply is not true. 

The clock keeps ticking and we continue to age

What did you ask me again?

I ask myself...

Ahh yes success how do I want it. 

June 25, 2020

Read this

I claim I’m a Dr. 
but he never asked .
Different from the nurse 
As that was physical.
The past is , the past , is the past , is the past

And there it lays the fine line between love and admiration 
Do I admire you?
Because how could I love a feeling that is now lost.

Love is obviously to be fooled 
If I intend to not pretend 
To meet your sweet demeanor on the street 

Is intelligence a number or is sensuality behind a filter 
My recommendation is to continue... as you are no other
Perhaps you’re , On the wrong block, how would I know?
Stalk you , I would not - could not .
Seems you’re the one whom invades my thoughts 

Did you ask why? 
Lol ,so do I !

June 15, 2020

lost agenda

Oh the objective of this blog, I forgot.
I was just once again trying to make sense. 

 Sense of myself, to myself
unfortunately only for myself.
I mean I know there’s a few people in my life who care
Care about me , as long as it doesn’t take up to much of their time.
Time is always what matters to most .
I’ve wasted so much of it myself simply because I was unaware of it.
Obvious to what my long term arrangement of life was going to be.
My agenda? Ha! 
I simply lived and was riding the roller coaster of events. 
I again had been obvious To actually stop and think , to redirect my behavior 
If the event was negative, let alone if it occurred more than once.
By the time I was forced to think about this I began to realize I wasn’t turning out the way I wanted
I did something drastic to try and change. I thought it worked 
I guess not .
with that lack of acknowledgement I went back to a depression 
Stuck waiting for someone to get me

September 07, 2018

Sagacity in delusion 

I’ve never been one to think of a star

 Or someone I never met in a tangible way .

 But today ,

I was stuck in it 

It being a thought Of you .

If we were to meet ...

I m not sure what I’d say . 


when did we begin ? Talking you ask?

do you like it that way ?

just clever play.